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Irish Legacies

Capturing the life stories of our loved ones, for us to share with generations to come!

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About Us

Irish Legacies was created to capture the personal life stories of individual Irish people whom are now settled in the United States. Mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, first or second generation Irish, all of whom were hard working and ambitious, each carved out their own individual lives in America. After years of living the American dream these people who are with us today have a story to tell. That story, their legacy can now be secured and passed down through the coming generations. Each person has their own personal story of how they themselves or their parents grew up in Ireland, the obstacles they overcame, the people who influenced them and the journey that brought them to where they are today. Our mission is to capture that story and create a time capsule for their family that will be there long after them.

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Irish Legacies

What we do.....

We sit down, listen and record you or your loved ones personal life story. In addition, we go to extraordinary lengths to create a professional time capsule by putting that story into a digital documentary. That life story, the documentary itself is then handed back to you and your family to keep for generations to come.



We record and capture your loved ones life story!


Digital Package

We create a custom digital documentary!


Time Capsule

We deliver a professional digital time capsule that can be shared for generations to come!

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